Consuere arose with the cooperation of three psychologists, who join together at university and who reunited after different work experiences, to create a firm able to meet complex organizational requirements.
About us


Francesca Ferragni Charter member
Charter member. Psychologist and trainer, specialized in organizational development. During university studies collaborated with companies as “Fiat Auto” and “Barilla”, using these experiences to innovate and to arrange management and evaluation tools. Since 2006 she has worked in the human resources area of “Barilla”, an italian multinational enterprise, cooperating with different business areas for recruitment, selection, training , people evaluation, organizational development. Since 2009 she has worked as freelance trainer in the fields of resources development, heads improvement and safety at work. She has worked as well in the field of management consulting enhancing processes and tools of development for the employees and their organization. Currently she’s interested in different business areas as food, logistics (handling and transportations) and fire prevention.

Luigia Mercuri Charter member
Charter member. Psychologist, interested in organizational development, she projects and conducts courses on human resources advancement, managerial skills and safety culture at work. She collaborated with different business area companies (food, logistics, fire prevention). In 2013 she will earn a postgraduate certificate in Psychological Evaluation to practice as psychotherapist. Since 2009, cooperating with her specialization school and “Studio Staff” (a management consulting firm), she has worked in the fields of selection and potential analysis in contexts as banking, oil, rail and tourism.

Nicola Mennella Charter member
Charter member. Psychologist and trainer, specialized in human resources development. From 2004 to 2010 he has worked for “Dexia Sofaxis Italia”, part of Dexia Group, as representative of organizational development and well-being area, managing consulting and training services for public service corporations. Since 2011, beside his work with the organizations, he has worked as psychological support consultant for people affected by neuromotor pathologies in rehabilitation. Currently he works as freelance, going on with his activity of management consulting and training for public and private clients.